
Soul Camp is currently on hiatus. COVID-19 took its toll on many organizations and groups. Social distancing forced the event to be cancelled for several years.

People moved on. Groups disbanded. Men went in different directions. However, the lessons learned, the friendships made… endure.

Continue reading to learn what the annual event was and may still be in the future.

Together, we will:

  • examine what we have in common as men
  • find strength in examining our wounds & vulnerability
  • discover & share our inner gold & our gifts
  • support each other in growing & expanding into manhood
  • use processes, discussion, & activities to go deeper within ourselves

Together, we will:

  • rattle the bones and awaken our true calling as men
  • learn to support other men non-competitively
  • learn to listen to each other without needing to fix
  • learn to accept each other, warts & wounds—the whole being
  • experience collective healing of wounds
  • receive the gifts of shared wisdom

If you have any questions about the Kiva Soul Camp experience, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to talk with you.

With blessings,

The Soul Camp staff