Soul Camp 2016

Soul Camp group photo

Ho Soul Camp brothers & supporters,

It’s November already! Leaves are fallin’, hubs are rakin’, backs are achin’, and in between leaf piles our thoughts are naturally turning toward the holidays & family. You are part of our Soul Camp family, and we men of Kiva want you to know we’re thinkin’ of you as we’re continuing our planning of Soul Camp for spring of 2016.

As we let you know in our last Save-the-Date letter in October, we have again booked Latimer Reservation, the Scout camp we used last year. We ask you to note that we’ve changed the date of Soul Camp 2016 to May 19-22, which is a week later than Soul Camp was last year.

We hope your Thanksgiving is a feast of gratitiude for you and your family, and we look forward to hearing from you in the new year. Who might you be thinkin’ of bringin’ along?

Blessin’s & gratitude,



5 responses to “Soul Camp 2016”

  1. Jim Neill Avatar
    Jim Neill

    Soul Camp has been on my “to do” list for years and this May I plan on joining you.
    My best,
    Jim Neill

  2. Jim Neill Avatar

    When do you anticipate registrations will begin?

  3. Jim Neill Avatar

    What are the 2016 dates. The Registration page shows 2015 and 2014 dates.

    1. Dale Avatar

      Jim: The dates have been updated. Hope you can make it.

  4. Greg Elam Avatar
    Greg Elam

    Men are coming!
    The camp awaits.
    Voices humming
    Inside the gates

    Walk on in
    The spirit calls
    Leave your fear
    Outside these walls

    stop the noise
    inside your head
    come and join
    us instead