Following is the Mark the date email that was sent out on Nov 2, 2016
Aho brothers,
It’s gettin’ on in the year, men, and everywhere you look those special colors are paintin’ up every tree on the block! This begins the time of change, the time of harvest. You can feel it in cool gusts rattling the branches! We invite you to think back on your year with an intention to harvest the good, the challenges, the many paths you’ve walked, changes that have happened, & where they’ve led.
We’re glad you’ve chosen to walk some of that path with us. We did things a little differently last year, and because of you and your willingness to commit & participate, we had a deep and meaningful gathering. We’re hoping you’ll want to come next spring and help us create another powerful container.
We’re sendin’ out this reminder to you to flip your 2017 calendars to the month of May & mark ‘em for Soul Camp on 18-21.
The Kiva guys want you to know that we have a new venue lined up and nailed down. Our destination this year will be Bethany Hills Camp. It’s closer to Nashville, in a nice, woodsy, rural setting, with buildings a little closer together, a pond, and a swimming pool we just might be able to swim in!
Shawn Gallaway is planning to return as well, and he and Simon McCain will be holding space for men to stand in their truth among brothers in a safe container.
We hope the path you’ll be walkin’ next spring includes a return to Soul Camp in Nashville!
Blessin’s from the men of Kiva!